MACRA empowers bureaucracy, not patients and their doctors

Richard Armstrong, MD of submitted the following comments to CMS in opposition to the 962-page MACRA proposed rule.  Comments are due 6/27.  Submit yours TODAY at

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentleman,

My name is Dr. Richard Armstrong. I am a general surgeon who has been in practice for 35 years since completing post-graduate training. I have been in the military, in academics, in private practice and now employed. I have watched the development of the federal medical bureaucracy since 1976 and opposed more government intervention then in public in a letter to the Washington post. I did this as an active duty naval officer and received hundreds of letters of support.

In 2009 after President Obama spoke before a joint session of Congress about health care reform, I wrote to him with a simple specific request. I asked him to please speak with the doctors on the front lines, the dedicated physicians and surgeons who care for all of you and your families day and night…24/7. The fellow human beings who are there for you when you need us and who passionately care about our profession and our patients. Of course, my plea went unheeded, so I joined a group of concerned physicians and traveled to Washington to read my letter in public on October 1st, 2009. This was the beginning of a national movement to return the leadership of our proud profession to those who understand what it is to care for individual human beings, one at a time, face to face, with dedication, compassion and excellence. That movement is growing. Continue reading

We Need to Become Joyous Warriors

Richard Armstrong, MD writes in response to Dr. Kris Held’s guest post:

Kris, Yes, but I must also add something which we discussed in Colorado to what I believe is simply a factual observation. The circumstances we are currently living have been very long in the making. Those who favor “government run and planned” medical care are running up against a very harsh reality.the economics of their plans don’t work.there is a fundamental math issue which they tend to gloss over and ignore, but just witness the Vermont attempts. Even Governor Shumlin had to finally admit, although he waited for his re-election, that in the final analysis they couldn’t do is no surprise to us. Continue reading