Let’s celebrate, not deny, our differences and true diversity, doctors tell NJBOE

Dear Members of the New Jersey State Board of Education,

This letter details our opposition to the anti-scientific and unethical amendments to school “equity” requirements passed by the board on August 2, 2023.[i] Among other changes, the approved amendments attempt to redefine and even erase the terms “male” and “female.”

We, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), founded in 1943, and including its member physicians, who care for many thousands of patients in New Jersey, urge the board to immediately reverse the amendments for the following reasons:

The amendments are not based on science, but instead on ever-changing sociological ideas and political influence. Biology dictates that there are two sexes of mammals and humans, males and females. Publicly funded entities straying away from basic science into such  ideologies, will clearly harm, not help, our children. 

There has been an explosive increase[ii] in children who identify with the construct of gender different from sex, at an age where identity is easily malleable and brain development is not fully concluded.[iii] The board’s actions risk further exacerbating this harmful trend.

Why is the trend harmful? Far too often these children are pressured into, “life-altering treatments that have little scientific evidence of their long-term safety and efficacy,” reports Reuters in a 2022 analysis.[iv] Recommendations for these interventions rely on “an abundance of claims that are not backed by evidence,” explains a peer-reviewed summary of studies of subsequent mental health outcomes. This raises questions about whether physicians can even ethically and legitimately obtain informed consent from patients (particularly minor children) being prescribed puberty-blockers or undergoing surgical interventions for gender confusion.[v]

In November 2022, an investigation published by the New York Times found that, “Concerns are growing among medical professionals,” about the long-term consequences of these drugs on crucial bodily systems like brain development and bone strength.[vi]

Nations across Europe are increasing restrictions and even imposing bans on “gender affirming” surgeries and pharmaceutical interventions for minors as, “public health authorities in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and England have concluded that the risk-benefit ratio of youth gender transition ranges from unknown to unfavorable.”[vii]

Following Europe’s lead is in the best interest of children, not moving further in the wrong direction as the NJ Board of Education has done. Pediatrician Michelle Cretella notes:

It is now alleged that discrimination, violence, psychopathology, and suicide are the direct and inevitable consequences of withholding social affirmation of a child’s gender discordance and allowing a gender dysphoric child to pass through puberty in accordance with his biological sex. Yet, the fact that 80 percent to 95 percent of gender-dysphoric youth emerge physically and psychologically intact after passing through puberty without social affirmation refutes this claim. Furthermore, more than 90 percent of people who die of suicide have a diagnosed mental disorder. There is no evidence that gender-dysphoric children who complete suicide are any different. Therefore, the cornerstone for suicide prevention should be the same for them as for all children: early identification and treatment of psychological co-morbidities.[viii]

Dissecting a study used to claim “gender-affirming care” reduces suicide, Dr. Cretella finds:

Yes, teens labeled as transgender attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally. Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies. This would be a serious mistake. The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact. The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies—puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on—will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide. If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks—both physical and psychological—of medical transition.[ix]

American medicine and schools should inform and team up with parents to seek help, not overlay and drive artificial paths to hormonal and surgical panaceas. These are tragically irreversible, and victims are doomed to a life of hormones and surgical procedures, guaranteeing the individual is, “never quite right.” Males are male, and females are female beyond secondary sex characteristics, specific organs, sex hormones, but down into each cell’s genetic code.

Furthermore, public schooling is the right of all citizen taxpayers, who are mandated to fund it. Schools are necessary to teach reading, writing and arithmetic. They have expanded to biology and other sciences. They have no mandate to teach fluid, ever changing, social multi-influential societal constructs or political missions, especially to parental dependent minors.

Children, both girls and boys, are indeed equal under the law, but unique and unequal in physical characteristics and skills predisposition. This is yet another reason why biological male and female sports should remain separate, to promote fairness in competition, due to sex-related physical features and neurology. Differences between the sexes exist and should be not only acknowledged but embraced in our diverse world.

Additionally, we want to take this opportunity to oppose any policies that prohibit schools from alerting parents of a minor child’s gender confusion. We are perplexed as to why anyone would take any position other than empowering families and partnering with parents. This is a dangerous position, potentially placing caring, dedicated teachers in an adversarial relationship with the very people they are here to support. While privileged health information must be kept in the strictest of confidence from other people and entities, it must be shared freely with parents who have ultimate responsibility for the upbringing of their own children.

The most important takeaway here is that no information can be properly withheld from a child’s parents, particularly and especially when it comes to the medical and mental health of their children. The current NJBOE disruptive amendments will create an adversarial relationship between child and parent, parent and teacher, potentially fueling a dangerous and life-threatening environment. 

Finally, as schools prepare to open for the 2023-2024 academic year, we remind the board that every state,[x] including New Jersey,[xi] is facing unprecedented challenges in properly staffing classrooms. In addition to the above stated facts illuminating why the amendments are harmful, we urge the NJ Board of Education to realize that the new mandate is yet another reason for young people to gravitate away from careers in education, and for experienced teachers to retire early.

In conclusion, please rescind the amendments to the, “equity,” code for schools. In fact, we should repeal the entire equity code and move far away from the so-called diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) sociological and political movements.

Let’s celebrate our differences and true diversity. Thank you.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane M. Orient, M.D.
Executive Director
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

[i] https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/08/03/new-jersey-school-board-oks-new-equity-rules-slammed-by-critics

[ii] https://nypost.com/2023/06/28/new-study-on-rise-in-transgender-shows-its-a-fad-especially-among-young-girls

[iii] https://aapsonline.org/aaps-statement-on-gender-affirming-care-for-minor-children/

[iv] https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-care/

[v] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10027312/

[vi] https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/14/health/puberty-blockers-transgender.html

[vii] https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2023/06/06/increasing-number-of-european-nations-adopt-a-more-cautious-approach-to-gender-affirming-care-among-minors/?sh=3e2f77977efb

[viii] https://www.jpands.org/vol21no2/cretella.pdf

[ix] https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/09/18/new-study-on-transgender-teen-suicide-doesnt-prove-kids-need-gender-transition-therapy/

[x] https://www.epi.org/publication/shortage-of-teachers/

[xi] https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/education/2022/01/10/nj-teacher-shortage- substitutes-njea/9126283002/

Ivermectin Patient Defends Dr. Mary Talley Bowden on Texas Medical Board Charges

EXCLUSIVE: Ivermectin Patient Defends Dr. Mary Talley Bowden on Texas Medical Board Charges
Sheriff Deputy Jason Jones wife says Texas hospital killed her husband, not COVID-19, and praises Bowden for trying to save his life
— Read on www.emilypostnews.com/p/exclusive-ivermectin-patient-defends

Action Steps for Physicians and Citizens to Reclaim #InformedConsent #IndividualRights #HealthFreedom

With a common goal of preserving health and freedom and responding to COVID tyranny, hundreds of physicians, scientists, and concerned citizens gathered Friday, June 9, 2023 outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for the Science Uncensored Symposium hosted by Lions for Liberty.

Videos of presentations by Peter McCullough, MD, MPH – one of the most published doctors in America, power attorney Tom Renz, and engineering legend Steve Kirsch will be available in coming weeks at https://lionsofliberty.com/

A co-sponsor of the event, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), hosted a dinner at the conclusion of the event in honor of the courageous physicians who dared to put patients first and reject the dangerous one-size-fits-nobody dictates from public health officials who blocked access to effective early COVID treatment while pushing experimental “vaccines.”

One of these courageous doctors, Craig M. Wax, DO, gave a presentation (link to video) at the dinner to provide his insights on the ten pivotal actions that will preserve and restore crucial medical freedoms that are increasingly under attack:

Action Steps for Medical Freedom

  1. Speak out loud and proud – Discuss, debate, decide
  2. Don’t be bullied into all or nothing false dichotomy. Choose point-by-point, eg. vaccines…
  3. Pushback works. Be active in your communities, state, country.
  4. Run for local, state and national office; local school board, township committee and up.
  5. Avoid or boycott schools, jobs, organizations, companies with mandates and conflicts.
  6. Support others when you agree and don’t support them when you don’t. (Herding cats).
  7. Use consumerism and “vote with your feet.” eg, Fox, Budweiser, Target…
  8. True the vote and turn out the vote.
  9. Organize and join groups when priorities align (and fight like hell).
  10. Fight each battle for success to win the war.  Don’t be discouraged by setbacks.

A printable 1-page PDF with the steps, examples of them put into action, and links to allied organizations that empower citizens to be effective advocates for medical freedom can be downloaded at: https://aaps.pub/actionsteps2023.

Steve Kirsch and Dr. McCullough (link to video) also shared additional insights at the dinner about the ongoing initiatives to promote and protect honest science and ethical medicine.

Who was behind gender swap?

Listen as Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Miriam Grossman walk us through the horrific yet true story behind the Reimer twins. The atrocity of their upbringing, branded as a successful experiment by Dr. John Money, was used as the bedrock of gender and identity ideology that has captured the western world today.

No More Mandates – That Means You Rutgers, Yale, Carnegie Mellon…

“It is the fundamental right of each individual to freely choose which medical interventions to receive based on informed consent. Neither sufficient clinical trail data for young adults nor long-term safety data exist for these recently developed and novel vaccines,” explains the welcome page at https://nocollegemandates.com/.

Moreover, the safety data that does exist, shows that the vaccines may be more risky than COVID itself, especially for younger individuals. For example, “a comprehensive study from England3 clearly demonstrated vaccine myocarditis to be more common than COVID19 myocarditis in age < 40,” explains Cardiologist Anish Koka, MD.

The U.S. FDA also notes in April 2023 that “almost all of the U.S. population 5 years of age and older now have antibodies” against SARS-CoV-2 either due to previous infection or vaccination. In addition peer reviewed research finds: “No significant difference in risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization … was detected between vaccine recipients and non-vaccine recipients infected in previous waves.”

So there is clearly no valid reasons for U.S. Colleges to continue mandating COVID shots, especially given the fact that the fiercest proponent of mandates, The Biden Administration, is ditching vaccine requirements it for too long imposed on health care professionals, international travelers, federal workers, and others.

Make no mistake, the mandates should have never been implemented in the first place. In the Spring of 2021 physician leaders at AAPS urged universities to “Reverse your decision to mandate experimental COVID-19 vaccines before more students are harmed and make the vaccines rightfully optional. Both unvaccinated and vaccinated students should be permitted on campus.” 

Thankfully, many colleges were smart enough to never impose a mandate, and now many prestigious universities are finally rushing to end their ill conceived directives, like Stanford, MIT, and Cornell, for example. Unfortunately, many top colleges, like Rutgers, Yale, Carnegie Mellon, and a number of California Schools, are still holding firm to the mistaken policy as outlined by No College Mandates:

IP4PI encourages you to visit https://nocollegemandates.com/ to keep on top of the latest developments regarding college mandates and actions you can take to help end them.

A Victory for Dr. Peter McCullough is a Victory For All Physicians and Patients

In a tremendous win that is truly a victory for all Americans who believe in open and honest debate and science, Dallas County Judge Tahira Khan Merritt on January 23, 2023 dismissed a Texas hospital’s lawsuit that sought to punish Dr. Peter McCullough for sharing his concerns about COVID, early treatment, and vaccine safety and efficacy.

By dismissing the suit “with prejudice,” the ruling supports the pleas of over 14,000 patients and doctors who stood with Dr. McCullough and added their names to a petition denouncing the hospital’s (Baylor, Scott, and White) attack:

Medical professionals like Dr. McCullough, and others who speak out and fight for patient safety and patient rights, should be applauded for their courage, not attacked. It is improper for medical institutions and others who hold positions of trust to retaliate against those who are putting patients, not politics, first.


The hospital sued Dr. McCullough for more than $1 million, reported Dallas ABC affiliate WFAA. McCullough’s attorney, Clinton Mikel told WFAA that the lawsuit is “frivolous” and a “politically motivated attempt to silence Dr. McCullough as he saves countless patient lives from Covid-19 and from ancillary actions related to Covid-19.”

Prior to the suit, Dr. McCullough’s passionate testimony to the Texas State Senate was viewed by millions:

What is Dr. McCullough’s reaction to the vindication? “This is a strong victory for freedom of speech and fair balanced publication and media presentation of clinical data as it has emerged over the course of the pandemic crisis,” McCullough told The Daily Wire. “My analyses and conclusions have been accurate, consistent, and have always been my own, not those of any institution.”

Other online reactions about the win, include:

In summary, the forces that seek to silence American heroes like Dr. McCullough suffered a monumental defeat with this ruling.