Dear Senator: The opportunity to fix our broken system rests at your feet. Do It Right.

Marcy Zwelling, MD, Co-Chair of the National Physicians Council for Healthcare Policy,, shares her urgent letter to the United States Senate.

Dear Senator:

The opportunity to fix our broken healthcare system rests at your feet. You and your republican colleagues should look at this legislative opportunity as your moment in history to step up and do it right.

America’s healthcare delivery system was broken long before the ACA. Returning to a pre-ACA state of affairs should not be your goal. Your efforts should be visionary not reactionary. It’s time you show America’s patients that you are the party of better practical ideas.

Healthcare reform is about designing a system of healthcare delivery that works to maximize access, decrease cost and minimize the regulations that obstruct America’s physicians from doing our job. Continue reading

Lawsuit against AOA restriction of trade will proceed

On June 12, 2017, the U.S. District Court in NJ denied the AOA’s motion to dismiss a suit brought by osteopathic physicians to end the requirement tying AOA dues to the ability to remain board certified.

The lawsuit will continue. Here is the link to the court order:

For more information visit:

VIDEO: Principles for Health Care Freedom

IP4PI founder Craig M. Wax, D.O. presents on Capitol Hill at the March 2017 meeting of the National Physicians’ Council for Healthcare Policy. Learn more about NPCHP efforts at Read a synopsis of the principles here and view slides here.


Yet another failing report card for the “Affordable” Care Act

CMS released a county-level map of 2018 projected ACA Exchanges participation:

“This map shows that insurance options on the Exchanges continue to disappear.  Plan options are down from last year and, in some areas, Americans will have no coverage options on the Exchanges, based on the current data.”

“This is yet another failing report card for the Exchanges. The American people have fewer insurance choices and in some counties no choice at all. CMS is working with state departments of insurance and issuers to find ways to provide relief and help restore access to healthcare plans, but our actions are by no means a long-term solution to the problems we’re seeing with the Insurance Exchanges,” explains CMS Administrator Seema Verma.